California DMV Department of Motor Vehicles

If you're a new California resident, you likely know little to nothing about the state's motor vehicle laws. Where do you turn to find things quickly? Start here at and we'll point you to your area's closest California Department of Motor Vehicles. Find out more about Saturday hours or, if you wish to write a review or complaint to the CA DMV.

We furnish you the links you need to get a new drivers license as well as those who are simply seeking license renewals. Need to study for a driving test? Make sure you read the driver handbook and don't forget to make an appointment.

New and old residents will want stay abreast of any new laws and easily find electronic forms via California DMV Online Services. Best of all, now vehicle registration can be performed without leaving the safety of your own home so you needn't stand in line and while you're at it, you may even want to check out NFL license plates.

What about if you need to pay a speeding ticket? No worries. Use over one hundred Self-Service DMV terminals. Make sure you also know how much mandatory liability insurance you need and then shop for and buy California car insurance online. gives you the tools to do it all.

From now on you can look to to help you cut through the long lines and waits at the California Department of Motor Vehicles. Never again should anyone have to spend any more time than necessary at the DMV and now you won't with!